June 03, 2022

Suzanne Sews

By Sophie Harpley
Suzanne Sews

Sue Fawell is a miracle worker, with a needle and thread as her tools. She has made countless blinds, curtains and cushions for our home - many of which creep into my photography! So I was delighted she accepted my request to take part in 'Creative Friends' and answer the following 20 questions... Also if you're looking for a curtain-maker in North / East London, Sue is your woman.


When did you first start to love the thing you do, or was it always there?

From very young I was very keen on art and enjoyed sewing. My mum and grandma were very good at sewing so maybe it’s in the genes. I went to the London college of fashion. But flip flopped settling in a career.

Describe your style in 3 words.

Modern, vintage, textiles.

I don’t have one particular style, I’m very much customer led and get excited by every design style.

What inspired you to build the business you have now? What impact do you hope to create?

I used to work in the fashion industry as a garment technologist but then had children and stayed home with them until school age. I was desperate to get back to work so started sewing again and wondered how I could make it a business and one that I enjoyed doing. Soft Furnishings was always at the back of my mind. I love the freedom of working for myself and It’s just nice to help people create a home that they enjoy.

Where, who or what experience taught you the most invaluable lessons about the work you go now? Was it university, career or the school of life?

My soft Furnishings teacher always said check measurements 3 times! It’s amazing how wrong it can turn out if you don’t!

It’s your day off, what do you do? How do you unwind or find inspiration?

I’d go for a long walk, anywhere! A long Coastal walk would be my preference. I think it helps to clear your mind.

What’s on your lifestyle shopping list at the moment? (Clothing, beauty, home, anything!)

The ultimate winter coat, it’s a life long quest! I’m petite so everything drowns me.

Song you can’t get out of your head right now (or an all time fave):

Can’t get out of my head Artic Monkeys, 505.

Someone special is taking you out for dinner next week, where would you most like to go?

Wyatt & Jones in Broadstairs.

A favourite staycation recommendation:

Favourite place to travel abroad:

There are lots of places that I would still like to visit. Croatia is beautiful but I also love a city break. I went to Brussels recently with a friend and had a blast!

Words of wisdom, what’s the best life or work advice you’ve received?

I trained as a Pilates instructor and the course teacher said, in regards to imposter syndrome; ‘if you don’t do it someone else will’. Although I didn’t teach Pilates for very long I learnt so much about clear instructions, patience and empathy for my clients.

Who’s the funniest person you know?

My friends from school who I adore! They are all like sisters now.

Your desert island book?
Carrying Albert Home by Homer Hickam

What item in your home gives you the most joy? Where did it come from?

A piece of well made carpentry. I really appreciate things that have been lovingly crafted.
I also have my eye on a filigrana glass pendant light from HEAL’S

What historical figure would you most like to meet?


If I came around for dinner, what would you cook?

Chicken pie.

Your favourite season and why?

Autumn, it’s always a nice surprise if the weathers good and the colours are amazing!

A guilty pleasure?

Malibu and coke.

What’s the most surprising fact about you?

I performed at the olympics opening ceremony as an NHS nurse.

Last but not least; your proudest recent achievment?

Running my own small business while looking after two kids.

Posted in Creative friends Textiles