October 28, 2023

Lisa Mehydene of Edit58

By Sophie Harpley
Lisa Mehydene of Edit58

I had admired Lisa's gorgeous interiors any playful home accessories collection for a long time before we meet this summer at the launch of Domenica Marland Home (where both our homewares are stocked!) I already had one of her Giraffe's Heads (papier mâché) and iconic scalloped rattan lampshade made in collab with Matilda Goad. So it was really nice to have a chat with the woman behind the brand at Edit58. Thank you so much Lisa for tackling my 20 odd questions!


1. When did you first start to love the thing you do, or was it always there?

Ooh, great question. Whilst I always loved making my bedroom as lovely as possible (in my eyes!) as a child, it wasn’t until I purchased my first home in 2006 that I really discovered how much I enjoyed interiors and specifically buying vintage pieces. In 2007 we moved overseas, and I travelled for my job - this opened my eyes to amazing artisans around the globe. When I moved home to London in 2014 I thought the homewares market would have evolved and more unique, artisan-made products would be available, like those I had found on my travels….but it really wasn’t the case. This was what inspired me to launch edit58.


2. Describe your style in 3 words.

A total mix.


3. What inspired you to build the business you have now? What impact do you hope to create?

Having twins was the impetus for starting my own business in 2015 and leaving the career I had been in since graduating (in advertising). I had reached board level but knew I didn’t want to be slogging away in town for other people’s brands anymore; leaving early each and returning late at night, when I had two young children.

I knew I wanted to spend my days doing something I was passionate about, something I could build around family life and nurture for myself. As I touched on above, it was the lack of inspiring, artisan made homewares on the market when I returned to the UK that led me down the path of creating my own homewares business to fill this gap.

In terms of impact, back in 2015, the homewares market was very different to what we see today. You had high street brands, or major online brands like Cox & Cox, Rockett St George etc. There were very few small, independent brands. I like to think that we brought (and still do) alternative, artisan made products to consumers that want something a little more interesting for their homes.


4. Where, who or what experience taught you the most invaluable lessons about the work you do now? Was it university, career or the school of life?

I think it was my career in advertising and living overseas which armed me with the skills, experience, and confidence to launch my own business and keep it afloat these past 8 years.

5. It’s your day off, what do you do? How do you unwind or find inspiration?

I love nothing more than an early morning mooch at Kempton Antiques Market. I’d get there for 6am and spend a good 3 hours rummaging away. I find it a very relaxing way to pass the time and enjoy it regardless of whether I uncover any treasure/s.

I’d then head to Petersham Nurseries for a Pot of tea, slice of cake, a catch up with friends and further mooching in their greenhouses and shop.

From there I’d head into town to go to a gallery or museum. I’m forever inspired by the sheer range of culture we have on our doorstep here in London. A few hours taking in an exhibition, with the obligatory gallery shop stop at the end, would leave me feeling like I’m making the most of where I live/my day off.

For dinner I would meet up with my husband and children, go to the cinema and round it all off with sushi or dim sum, and a walk home along the river.


6. What’s on your lifestyle shopping list at the moment? (Clothing, beauty, home, anything!)

Clothing – I really want a Navygrey jumper – either their Authentic funnel or Heirloom Funnel. They are just the best knitwear company around and I still wear my navy cashmere jumper from their launch collection.

Beauty – I want to try Merit Flush Balm blush – I’m hearing very good things!

Home – We are just about to launch an exciting collaborative lighting product. They’re so pretty, I can’t wait for them to be available and in people’s homes! I’m going to be dotting them all over my house.

Garden – buying lots of spring bulbs for planting!


7. Song you can’t get out of your head right now (or an all time fave):

My daughter has been playing ‘Vampire’ by Olivia Rodrigo on a loop since seeing Barbie, so I am constantly humming this right now.


8. Someone special is taking you out for dinner next week, where would you most like to go?

I’d like to go to Sessions Arts Club, thank you! (Me too!)


9. A favourite staycation recommendation:

I really love going to Coombeshead Farm in Devon. The food is sublime and as it’s just me and my husband (as no kids allowed!) so we get to fully recharge; talking (not talking!) eating, drinking, reading and lots of walks in the surrounding countryside. We especially love heading to the coves on the north Cornwall coast.

I was also lucky to be given a tour of newly opened The Bull’ in Burford this past weekend. It would make for a wonderful staycation spot in The Cotswolds. It has been beautifully renovated, and stays are on a full board basis only – so you get to experience the dining options as a part of your trip. There are numerous workshops/activities/courses to participate in too, so it feels like a spoiling retreat.


10. Favourite place to travel abroad:

I try not to have a favourite as I love going to new places and try to go somewhere different each trip. But France and Italy I will always return to (80% due to the food and drink!), and with France I cannot resist the markets/ brocantes.


11. Words of wisdom, what’s the best life or work advice you’ve received?

Not really advice, more a simple mantra - Tomorrow is another day. If I’m having a bad day, I will go to bed early, and upon waking my perspective is always different…things never seem as bad. Sleep solves a lot of things in life!


12. Who’s the funniest person you know?

My oldest friend (from nursery!), Jimby. I don’t see enough of him but when I do, I laugh endlessly.


13. Your desert island book?

Probably an interiors tome; something like ‘Near & Far’ (Lisa Fine). If I’m on a deserted island this will see that I can ‘escape’ to other (beautifully decorated) worlds.


14. What item in your home gives you the most joy? Where did it come from?

Aside from the people in it, I would say my new pantry space (does that count?!). It’s the tiniest slither of a thing, but it is bright blue and really wakes me up of a morning. I feel happy just standing in it, making my breakfast brew.


16. If I came around for dinner, what would you cook?

If it’s wintertime, then most likely my go to of Lamb Cutlets or Roast chicken with potatoes dauphinoise and some seasonal veg. A hearty, cosy meal. Summer would be something simple like Skye McAlpine’s spaghetti with creamy lemon sauce, ideally eaten in the garden with a bottle of wine between us!


17. Your favourite season and why?

Spring – when the hedgerows are bursting with Cow Parsley and the bulbs are poking through. The days are getting longer and lighter and the anticipation of summer is palpable. I can feel my mood lifting and I want to socialise more, rather than hunkering down.


18. A guilty pleasure?

Endless cups of tea with dunked digestives.


19. What’s the most surprising fact about you?

I’m 6ft tall. From pictures of my feet on rugs on Instagram, you probably can’t tell I am a giant!


20. Proudest recent achievement?

Reading 10 books this summer! I had a stash I wanted to devour and feel very smug that I achieved it as I often get distracted (aka fall asleep in bed or end up scrolling social media!).



Posted in Creative friends Interior styling